
I turned 65 this year, and since I can’t afford to retire, I have decided to leave the employ of the company I’ve been working at for 28 years and become a freelancer. I’ll finally be out from under the corporate yoke and able to spread my wings, or whatever is left of them.

It may be that I’m simply shifting the workload and stress from one foot to the other, out of the frying pan and into the fire so to speak, but I’m hoping that I’ll be able to reduce both the workload and the stress and be able to relax a bit and spend some time doing the things I love to do, without worrying -so much- about the job.

I have enjoyed playing the guitar and taking pictures for many years, but finding the time to do these things in a full time work schedule has not been easy. Even when there is time, I often find myself too tired and sore to go out with a guitar or camera, so I end up at home on the sofa, watching reruns on TV.

I’m looking forward to spending my waning years with a reduced, or eliminated, workload, and taking the time whenever I want to enjoy my hobbies without needing to get back to the computer to do some work. Maybe it’s a pipe dream, but here goes nothing. Wish me luck.

Author: Bill Morgan

I play guitar and take pictures, although I'm not particularly good at either one. I've been living in Japan for more than 30 years and I work in patent law, although I'm now semi-retired. My purpose in setting up this blog is to be able to post pictures and comments relating to my main interests. It remains to be seen how well that will turn out.