Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana

I can’t believe it’s been more than 2 years since I posted anything on this blog. I guess I was having too much fun to spend any time here.

I spent a large part of 2018 in the hospital, and/or recuperating at home. Nothing life-threatening, but certainly life inconveniencing. For a while it looked like 2019 was going to be more of the same, but I seem to have taken a turn for the better, so things are settling down a bit now and I’m actually taking some time to enjoy myself.

I’ve been trying to devote more time to photography, but I decided a while back that I need to try to move in a new direction. Not that I hate the street shooting that I’ve been doing, or that I want to stop doing that entirely, but I do feel the need to expand, or maybe move in a new direction. I see glimpses of where I want to go in other peoples’ work sometimes, but I have yet to get in touch with my muse. It seems she may be on vacation. In any case, I haven’t given up, I just haven’t found myself yet. But the search is on and hopefully it will yield some results in the not-too-distant future. After all, at 69 I don’t have all that much time to waste.

Here’s hoping that things will improve from here on out. I’m looking forward to finishing this year stronger than the last, and moving in new directions, or at least finding new things in the same directions. It’s time to get my ass in gear and get something done. And it is my intention that at least one of those things will be more time spent on my blog.  So without further ado, let’s git ‘er done!